March 6, 2010 Class — Springfield, Mo

Here is the March class information.   Our March Class will be a Hands On Basic Level Access Control class (will also have some more advanced information.  Will also set up a network with those present).  It will be held in Springfield, Mo.

Please pass it along to others you think might be interested in the class.

Paper copies will be mailed to members current on their dues  (one per lock shop) and by request.  Information can be downloaded and printed as well.  The motel only has 5 rooms available for that weekend and they MUST be reserved by February 19.  I already have been informed of 2 rooms being taken, so that leaves 3.  If you are needing a motel room and none are available, there are other motels in the close vicinity.   Donuts & OJ will be provided in the meeting room for breakfast and Lunch is also provided with your  PAID CLASS.  Additional lunches can be purchased for an additional cost.

WE WILL BE ELECTING NEW OFFICERS at the business meeting If you have a nomination, send it along with your class registration with name and office you would like the person considered for.

Click on the image to view/print  the class information and registration:  This is a PDF file.